Pest monitoring in September

Preventative pest control is not only better for your garden, but easier for you to manage in the long run. Here are some pest monitoring you can do in September:

  • If your rhododendrons and azaleas show root damage / notched leaves, apply parasitic nematodes to moist soil beneath them.
  • The least toxic management options to control slugs include barriers and traps. Baits are also available but if you have pets around, please be cautious. Read and follow all label directions prior to using baits or chemical controls.
  • Check trailing berries for leaf and cane spot. Treat when necessary.
  • When needed, apply copper spray for peach and cherry trees.
  • Spray for juniper twig blight after pruning away dead and infected twigs.
  • Continue monitoring late-season soft fruits and berries for Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD).


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